1. Psychotherapeutic-Psychoanalytic-Psychiatric Treatment*
*Treatment of individuals from 18 years of age
Disorders from the entire psychiatric spectrum:
Personality Disorder
Psychosomatic illness
Accompaniment through:
Life- and relationship problems – couple sessions when necesessary
Self-esteem problems
Crises at work – sessions with co-workers, or Human Resource Dept., when necessary
Self-esteem problems
Inter-/Transcultural conflicts
Spiritual crises
Dealing with one’s own serious illness and dying, aging, as well as that of others
Difficulty in dealing with money
Childhood wish (collaboration with gynecologists), artificial insemination, adoption
Meditation and Active Imagination
By request: collaboration/support in dealing with doctors, therapists, institutions, organisations and lawyers
By request: recommendations of other therapists, eventually from other therapeutic schools, at home and abroad
Payment: Sessions are charged according to Tarmed Tariff and are included in the basic insurance. Bills will be sent at the end of each month from the Ärztekasse (ÄK).
ÄK,Genossenschaft, Agentur Zürich
Schaffhauserstrasse 470, 8052 Zürich
Tel. 044 436 15 00, Fax 044 436 15 80
2. Training Analysis and Personal Experience
ISAP -students; students of the Jung-Institute and Baudouin-Institute, as well as members of any other training institute can be credited sessions after consultation with the appropriate institution.
Training Analysis
‚Heart’ of the training in Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung. As student of ISAP - Zürich you can perform the training analysis with me.
In the 2nd part of the training the work with analysands is in the foreground. As Diploma Canditate you can supervise your therapeutical work with me.
Personal Experience
In the context of a medical profession or therapy training in other psychotherapeutic schools you can take supervision sessions.
Payment: Training Analysis and Supervisions must be paid by yourself.